Hilary Clinton Pulls a Cheney

Hilary Clinton has gone through so many contortions trying to explain away her vote to authorize Bush’s Iraqi adventure and enunciate her current positions on the war I’m surprised she’s not in permanent traction. I realize that Clinton will pander to just about any constituency to fulfill her desire to be president, (to wit her co-sponsorship of a prohibition of flag burning after the Supreme Court had already invalidated such legislation); but, still, I am surprised that she is now apparently pandering to Dick Cheney.

I thought Cheney was the only dead ender still connecting Iraq with the 9-11 attacks, but I was wrong. Dead ender Clinton recently spewed the same line of absolute crap in an interview with the Associated Press, while at the same time trying to guilt trip those of us who aren’t from New York, or at least carpetbaggers like she is.

“There are no do-overs in life,” Clinton said. She says Congress received bad information going into the vote and that she would have voted differently given what she knows now.

“As a senator from New York, I lived through 9/11 and I am still dealing with the aftereffects,” Clinton said. “I may have a slightly different take on this from some of the other people who will be coming through here.

“Clinton said her view is that the nation is engaged in a deadly fight against terrorism, a battle that she contends Bush has botched.

“I do think we are engaged in a war against heartless, ruthless enemies,” she said. “If they could come after us again tomorrow they would do so.”

As for basing her vote to enter a pointless, criminal war on “bad information” she “received”, Senator Bob Graham was able to see through the Bush administration’s lies, as was Al Gore, Hans Blix, Scott Ritter, and millions of others. Clinton’s vote to go to war was based purely on political calculation, as is every political move she makes.

While I’m at it, I harbor just about the same sentiments about John Edwards, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and every other congressperson who voted for war and is now telling us they were wrong. They were indeed wrong.

There is no excuse for willful ignorance and none of the presidential aspirants who voted for war should ever be forgiven.


Filed under Absolute Bull Shit, Blogroll, Hillary Clinton, Politics

8 responses to “Hilary Clinton Pulls a Cheney

  1. Lindsay

    I totally agree. I do give John Edwards a bit of credit for being the first to come right out and say “I was wrong.” I don’t remember him whining about being given bad information or trusting the president or any of the other excuses. He just said he was wrong.

    Dennis Kucinich was my pick last time, and as of now, still is–but by the time 2008 gets here I’m going to have to have a second-place backup–or more likely, 23rd place or some such.

  2. Hi Lindsay,

    I suppose I should give Barack Obama credit for opposing the war since the beginning and actually predicting some of the things that have come to pass in Iraq as a consequence of the USA invasion.

    I agree that Kucinich would be my choice but has no chance at either the nomination or election.

    I’m holding out for Gore, who has also opposed the war since before it was launched. I also like the fact that Jim Webb is one of few democrats who has addressed the issue of economic injustice.

  3. Amen. Hillary is a red meat candidate with no teeth.

  4. And no principles, other than political expediency.

    Nice to hear from you James.

  5. sr luke de lucas

    Long time Chris,
    Last time we spoke I believe I had to leave abruptly. I didn’t get a chance to say good bye.
    As for the US legal system, I wonder why “we the people” are accused & charged for any given matter when we say “I didn’t know” because “ignorance is no excuse for the law”.

    However the checks & balances of the nation are running rampant “playing ignorant” to the leader’s decisions until it behooves them to change cause in the name of “I didn’t know”.

    Don’t elect them out of office as that would buy them time to regroup their malicious ways. No, simply strip them of ability to buy anyone else and throw them in prison for treason of the constitution they are to uphold because they know well what is going on and what they are doing.

    There is shame that lye on “we the people” as well because we have allowed the governments to change “order” in that the banker and lawyers have been running the country for the last eighty years or so. Not the people.

    We all remember the Stock Market Crash and hhmm, now the Trade Towers Crash? Or should I say the planned implosion that enabled the US to shove the Patriot Act down our throats.

    Come on, they simply needed the nation to look at the disaster as if someone else was involved (“pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”) so that they could once again change the laws regardless of the laws and grasp the awaited oppressiveness that they seek.

    The US and other don’t want us to be free to speak. No, not at all! They want us to be loyal subjects, peasants and etc. Is this sounding like the rise of a tyrannical kingdom too anyone else.

    The only difference from then and now is that instead of loosing your money through the crashing stocks, “we the people” have now lost the freedom to privatize and then some. And, while others (ACLU) tower over and win their rights, “we the people” (including the races that claim US as their sanctuary but scream racism to get what they want) just watched their rights crumble to the ground with the trade towers.

    My take is that they are passing laws secretly and simultaneously in their cloud of rhetoric in order to make us criminals for any given purpose they choose while making their actions exempt from the laws enforced upon us.

    It doesn’t take a genius to see that racial slurs are about to become grounds for long-term imprisonment in our near future and Gestapo style is on the rise in WA DC.

    For all intents and purposes why the declaration of homeland security from US government officials after 911 and then allowing the open borders from Mexico (no offense) for foreigners to take, for free, what we have worked so many years to save for our elderly retirement?

    Like the political toleration of the ACLU’s of the world, the foreigners are given free money (candy) to entice them in. And like a murderer or child molester, the US will see to it that foreigner will be lulled into submission of this kingdom of a nation right along side those of us that are thought to be against the foreigner to the US.

    All this crap I hear and see tells me that Hilary Clinton should be ousted with the rest of the idiots who declare that they didn’t know what the military was doing.

    Oh, by the way, wasn’t it George Bush’s daddy that was out to get the “fence jumper” when the gulf war started. I wonder if Daddy approved G.W.’s role in jumping into Iraq when he hadn’t even found the so-called 911 culprits yet.

    There, I feel better but I don’t feel any safer from the actual culprits that rule over me.

  6. Saludos St. Luke,

    Nice to hear from you. I’m glad you feel better.

    I am thankful for the ACLU as it is an organization with the sole purpose to defend the Constitution, and they will take all comers, no matter how unpopular.

    The ALCU is now challenging the multiple defilements of the Constitution perpetrated by the Bush administration.

    Take care and give my best regards to the family.

  7. sr luke de lucas

    Thank you. I am out of the loop enough that perhaps the deceivers had me believing the ACLU was a self appointed rights group that was only infavor of the select few and now they have adopted the hispanic rights as their next movement. Maybe I am seeing it through the Bush’s behavioral system.
    Not that I am against the ACLU. It’s just that “equal rights” should not be for only a select few of the races and I don’t see where the ACLU is standing on my behalf.
    Not sure what to believe anymore.
    If you have truthful literature about the ACLU that I could educate myself, please do tell.

    Family is doing good. getting past flu season. Adopted Della in November and Adam is just at 9 month old. Soon to be adopted as well. They are the best to little individuals I have ever known. Biased is for sure. Send pics if you point me the right way to send them.
    I would say something in espanol, but I don’t know how to spell the words.
    Great to hear back from you

  8. St Luke,

    The ACLU defends everyone’s Constitutional rights, including, some years ago, the right of a Nazis group to march in Skokie, IL.

    There are lots of demagogues beating their chests over the immigration matter these days. I believe that people enter this country, not just from South of the border, to work. And their labor is obviously needed to do work that USA citizens will not do, such as tree planting in your area and agricultural work.

    The fact is, I think, that there is economic market for immigrant labor; and where there is a market it will be filled, legally or otherwise.

    I believe the anti-immigrant movement is largely based in ethnicism, just as Irish, Chinese, East European, and others were vilified earlier in USA history.

    Further, if we believe in free markets, why shouldn’t the labor market be free?

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